Your donations matter.


The role art plays in a thriving society cannot be underestimated. It allows us to connect with our community and ourselves. Art heals, transforms, and entertains. It is sometimes a call to action and at times, a place to rest. Artists of all abilities deserve a space where they can make and consume art. Your individual or recurring donations help us provide that each week.

hummingbird studio is possible because of the continued generosity of our community members. Read below to learn how the levels of monthly donors sustain our one-of-a-kind art program.


$10 Contributing

In our busy studio we go through supplies fast! Contributing donors provide our artists with the materials they need to make art each week.

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$20 Supporting

Supporting donors keep hummingbird studio open to the public without fees.


$50 Sustaining

Sustaining donors allow hummingbird studio to operate three days a week at Friendship Hall.


Donate today!